Other News From 1954
- W.J. Bill Borrie of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce addresses the local Board of Trade in the Whitehorse Inn Ballroom.
- Clarence Sands, Atlin pioneer merchant, dies.
- Pete Petiot continues as manager of the Civic Centre.
- White Pass and Yukon Route & Canadian Pacific Airlines plan new Klondike Tours promotions.
- Hougen's Juvenile Hockey Team wins playoff against Northland Beverages.
- After twenty-four years of teaching and serving as Superintendent of Schools, Jack Hulland is fired, and later reinstated.
- John Backe from Haines Junction opens a cocktail bar in his motel.
- Ron Booth, editor for eight months of the Whitehorse Star, resigns.
- Lloyd Ryder heads the Whitehorse Curling Club.
- Ordering wine with meals is now permitted in Vancouver restaurants.
- Postal employees begin a 5-day work week and the post office is closed on Saturdays.
- Jean Lesage, Minister of Northern Affairs, visits the Yukon.
- Arthur MacKay, Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, leaves after three and a half years. George Frizell is his successor.
- Y.P.A. Sports Day on Mayday is a success. Peggy Jamieson is voted May Queen.
- The paddlewheeler Klondike is newly refurbished as a luxury tourist boat and is launched for a Dawson City run.
- George and Martha Louise Black celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
- The city spreads a coat of heavy oil on the streets to keep down dust.
- Wing Commander F.H. Pearce replaces Wing Commander Chuck Olson as commanding officer of the RCAF Whitehorse.
- The city grants an electrical franchise to Yukon Electrical Co. Ltd.
- White Pass hauls record tourists - 114 on the Tutshi to Ben My Chree and eighty-five to Whitehorse.
- Len Metcalfe heads the Whitehorse Rifle and Pistol Club.
- George Milne plane crashes on Mt. Fox. Milne and three passengers in the Beaver aircraft are killed.
- Lloyd Camyre, sportsman, hockey coach, dies.
- Howard Firth of Dawson City purchases the Wise Insurance Agency.
- J.E. (Herb) Grasser is elected Legion President.
- White Pass announces changes: Bill Hamilton is promoted to Assistant to the President and will move to Vancouver; Ernie Theed becomes Superintendent of River Division (BYN); George Smith is named Assistant Superintendent Highway Division; Chuck Beaumont is General Agent in Whitehorse.