
Yukon Nuggets


The Weekly Star Reports in 1927

February 26, 1927 Captain Randolph Innes-Taylor, father of Alan Innes-Taylor and former publisher of a sports paper in Toronto, passes away in New Orleans on February 23, 1927.
May 6, 1927 Representative of the Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer Picture Corporation visit Whitehorse for the filming of a movie about the Trail of '98.
May 18, 1927
 → April 13, 1928
The Yukon Airways and Exploration Company Ltd. is incorporated as a private company. The company is based at Whitehorse and serves all parts of the Yukon. J.F. Finnegan is president, Clyde G. Wann vice-president, A.D. Cruikshank general manager, and C.A.K. Innes-Taylor advisory director. The company introduces commercial flying into the Yukon. In October 1927, the first plane, the Queen of the Yukon, is brought in.
May 27, 1927 Arrangements are made for the introduction of General Motors' lines into the Yukon. Taylor and Drury Ltd. will be the representatives for Southern Yukon and the Mayo-Keno district.
May 27, 1927 The first boat of the season to leave Whitehorse is the steamer Casca on May 23, 1927.
July 27, 1927 Diamond drilling discloses new rich ore bodies at the Pueblo mine.
August 5, 1927 The exemption from the payment of royalty on the content of silver-lead ores shipped from the Yukon Territory is extended for one year.
November 11, 1927 Bishop Stringer visits Whitehorse and gives a report about his missionary work in the Arctic, in particular on Herschel Island.
November 18, 1927 Percy Reid, Yukon gold commissioner, passes away in Toronto November 14, 1927. (see also December 18, 1925)