
Yukon Nuggets


The Whitehorse Star Reports in 1934

January 12, 1934 A fire completely destroys the garage of the Klondike Airways Ltd., the Dawson-Whitehorse mail carrier. (see also August 18, 1933) The loss includes tools, equipment and freight.
February 2, 1934 Claire Wernecke is chosen to attend levee at the opening of parliament.
March 2, 1934 Mrs. W.A. Puckett, a pioneer of the north, passes away in Long Beach, California.
March 2, 1934 Thomas "Blondie" Mallott, former member of the Northwest Mounted Police, passes away in Tacoma.
March 23, 1934 Captain William Moore is according to the Whitehorse Star the oldest Alaska and Yukon resident. He has spent over 60 years in Alaska.
May 25, 1934 William Maher, a resident of Whitehorse since 1899 and Whitehorse's second oldest resident, passes away on May 21, 1934
June 15, 1934 "Pete" McMillian, well-known Yukon pioneer and manager of the Pioneer and Whitepass Hotels, passes away on May 13, 1933.
July 6, 1934 The U.S. War Department announces that ten Martin bombers will make a training and photographic flight from Washington, D.C. to Fairbanks, and return. The flight will include a stop in Whitehorse.
July 6, 1934 Pilot Bob Reeve sets a record in freighting over the last winter season. He transported 88,300 pounds of mining supplies to various points.
July 13, 1934 On July 5, 1934, a fire in Dawson destroys the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation's machine shop at Bear Creek.
July 13, 1934 White Pass & Yukon Route enters the commercial aviation business in the Yukon and Alaska Interior with the inauguration of airplane service between Skagway and Fairbanks.
August 3, 1934 Due to the expanding mining development, thirty dredges are in operation in the Nome district.
August 24, 1934 Plans for a 2200 mile highway from Seattle to Fairbanks are announced and discussed in the U.S. Congress.
August 31, 1934 A.T. Taddie is re-elected to the Yukon Council by acclamation.
September 14, 1934 Ottawa gives green light for the construction of a landing field at Dawson and for the reconditioning of the fields at Whitehorse and Mayo.
September 21, 1934 The September 19th election for Councillor of the Southern Yukon is won by C.T. Atherton. He has a 4 vote majority over W.L. Phelps.
September 21, 1934 On September 18, 1934, a disastrous fire reduces Nome to ashes and leaves 400 people homeless. The fire destroyed the business section and practically all of the residential area.
September 28, 1934 The N.A. Timmins Corporation of Montreal purchases two Carmacks properties each consisting of a number of claims. (see also June 21, 1935)
November 2, 1934 Archbishop I.O. Stringer passes away October 29, 1934 in Winnipeg.
November 23, 1934 Pacific Alaska Airways announces to inaugurate in spring 1935 a Juneau-Whitehorse-Fairbanks service. (see also April 6, 1935)
December 21, 1934 Wilbur D. Greenough, former manager of the Pueblo Mines, passes away on December 20, 1934 in Spokane.