January |
January 21, 1949 |
W.M. Emery is re-elected President of the Whitehorse Branch Canadian Legion. First Vice-President, R.C. Watson: Second Vice-President, F. McLennan: Executive: N.W. King, A.C. Waites, Mrs. Furry: Sergeant-at-Arms, E.L. Gay: Trustees: William Morris, R.G. Lee, Andy Borland. |
Febuary |
February 4, 1949 |
Winter Carnival for this year is cancelled. |
February 25, 1949 |
A Whitehorse All-Star hockey team, lead by coach Lloyd Camyre, travels to Nanaimo on a CP Airlines charter DC 3 to compete in British Columbia Intermediate Playoffs. They lose both games they play and then tour the Okanagan. |
February 25, 1949 |
Mrs. I Taylor, wife of W.D. Taylor, passes away on February 21, 1949 while on vacation in New Zealand. |
April |
April 1, 1949 |
Newfoundland is welcomed into confederation as the tenth province of Canada. |
April 1, 1949 |
A million dollar power is plant planned for the Mayo mining area. Construction of a 2500 horsepower hydro-electric project may start this summer. |
April 8, 1949 |
Allish's Fur and Gift shop, the smallest little store in the Yukon, has moved to larger and brighter premises formerly occupied by the Blue Owl Café. |
April 22, 1949 |
Works on the Whitehorse Civic Centre start. |
April 22, 1949 |
It is announced that construction of a road between Atlin and the Alaska Highway (Jake's Corner) will be undertaken by the Canadian Army. |
April 29, 1949 |
The first white woman settler in the Yukon, Louis Lagrois, passes away on April 28, 1949 in Victoria at the age of 77. |
May |
May 6, 1949 |
At the annual meeting of the Board of Trade, the following were elected: President, Alan MacGregor; Vice-President, Keith Johnson; Secretary, R.J. Rowland; Directors: Rolf Hougen, Gordon Lee, Jim Norrington, D. Cavaye, E. Lortie, W.D MacBride, George Van Roggen and Ed Harper. |
May 13, 1949 |
Difficult airfield conditions at Dawson making it impossible for planes to land there lead to a short food shortage in the town. |
May 20, 1949 |
On May 17, 1949, J. Aubrey Simmons is chosen as candidate for the Liberal Party for the Yukon-Mackenzie Riding in the forthcoming general election on June 27, 1949. |
May 20, 1949 |
An agreement providing for the first time for the payment of old age and blind pensions in the Yukon Territory is signed in Ottawa on May 13, 1949 and is in effect as of June 24, 1949. |
May 27 1949 |
A.M. (Matt) Berry announces that he is an Independent candidate for the Yukon-Mackenzie River seat at the general election on June 27, 1949. |
June |
June 3, 1949 |
It is announced that a Road Information Service will be established along the Alaska Highway. |
June 17, 1949 |
A disastrous fire in Mayo destroyed Mill and Assay office. |
June 24, 1949 |
Clyde G. Wann marries Helen Shaug at Coeur D'Alene, Idaho on June 8, 1949. |
June 27, 1949 |
The Canadian federal election of 1949 is the first in almost thirty years in which William Lyon Mackenzie King did not lead the Liberals. King retires in 1948 and is replaced by Louis St. Laurent. The Liberal party is re-elected with its fourth consecutive majority government. Liberal J. Aubrey Simmons is elected Member of Parliament for Yukon-McKenzie Riding. |
July |
July 8, 1949 |
The Governor General, the Viscount Alexander of Tunis, visits the Yukon on July 4, 1949. |
July 29, 1949 |
Councilor R. Gordon Lee is re-elected to Territorial Council. |
September |
September 2, 1949 |
The U.S House passes a bill for the eventual purpose of linking Alaska by rail with the United States, through British Columbia and the Yukon. |
October |
October 28, 1949 |
Dee's Fabric Shop moves into larger premises on Main Street. |
October 28, 1949 |
The Kiwanis Club elects officers for 1950. President, Charlie Taylor; Vice-President, Stuart McPherson; Directors: F. Arnott, William Hamilton, Keith Johnson, D. Cavaye, Gordon Cameron, Jack Hogg and Jimmy Quong. |
November |
November 4, 1949 |
The Whitehorse Juvenile Hockey Association is formed. President, Keith Johnson; Vice-President, Major Cambridge; Secretary-Treasurer, Fred Locke. |
December |
December 2, 1949 |
Mr. And Mrs. T. D. Pattullo celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on November 30, 1949. |
December 9, 1949 |
The newly elected officers of the B.P.O. Elks are: Exalted Ruler, William Hancock; Past Exalted Ruler, D.W.K. Stoddart; Leading Knight, W. Williamson; Loyal Knight, L. Scown; Lecturing Knight, V. Chapman; Secretary, G. Tweedale; Treasurer, J. Fox; Inner Guard, E. Hammer; Tyler, C. Aird; Trustees: E. Pinchin, M. Brown, Harry Johannes. |
December 9, 1949 |
It is announced that the Atlin highway is now open for traffic. |
December 9, 1949 |
On May 5, 1949, the Canadian Board on Geographical Names gives approval to changing the name of "Lewes River" to "Yukon River". This means that the name "Yukon River" may be officially used when referring to the stream from its source to ist mouth, including the part running from its source to the junction with the Pelly River. |
December 30, 1949 |
Inspector H.H. Cronkhite passes away on December 28, 1949 at the age of 51. |