Joe Clarke, as leader of the Progressive Conservative opposition visited the Yukon and spent some time at Quiet Lake as guest of Erik Nielsen. He fished, had a sauna & ate well.
I first met Jim Robb when he came to Whitehorse in the late fifties. Our first encounter was at the end of a shovel. Shovels actually. We were both labourers with the Canadian army, moving dirt piles from point A…
In 1977, the board of directors of Alberta Power held their board meeting in Fort McMurray, Alberta. They toured the "diggings" and the plant processing plant prior to flying overr the vast tar sands region.
A successful duck hunt at Viking, Alberta. L to R: Major Fred Kaye, formerly stationed with the army in Whitehorse, Gordon Cameron , Bob Choate, Major Charlie McLean & Rolf Hougen
Niel Colville first became known as a national hockey league player who was enrolled in the Hockey Hall of Fame. He was an early investor in Northern Television (WHTV) and later managed it for a few years. He remained a…
In early July Marg & Rolf Hougen with Dr. Des & Ruth Morrow traveled to Dawson City, drove up the Dempster Highway to Inuvik. This photo is in the Fort McPherson Graveyard inscribed with the RCMP officers who perished on…