
Yukon Nuggets

Results 12


Whitehorse - Mayo Road

Mining has been a crucial element in Yukon development since the gold rush. In the mid-1940s, mining men were reviewing the old Treadwell Yukon’s silver workings on Galena Hill near Mayo. What geologists found led to the opening of…

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1958 in review

Ian Tyson is one of my favourite singing story tellers. Always has been. He wrote a wonderful song called "50 Years Ago".

If I could roll back the years,
Back when I was young and limber,
Loose as…

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SS Klondike Sold

Today, a story that could come from the pages of Ripley's "Believe It or Not", a story about how the Yukon almost lost one of its most important historical artifacts. A tale of what-ifs and might-have-beens.

It all began in…

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Whitehorse Rapids Dam

By the mid-1950s, a growing Whitehorse apparently needed more electrical power than could be provided by the Fish Lake power plant operated by Yukon Electric. But what to do? At the time, two parallel systems were operating. The

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DEW Line

To understand the Distant Early Warning line, you first have to understand the dawn of the nuclear age and the phrase "mutually assured destruction." In the early fifties, both the U.S. and Russia could deliver nuclear warheads to each other’s…

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White Pass The Container Pioneers

"Containerization." Today it is as commonplace as crocuses on the clay cliffs in the spring. Ports around the world are bustling with huge machinery loading and unloading goods. It wasn't always so.

Everything you buy today probably arrived from some…

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Haines-to-Fairbanks Pipeline

It wasn't the Yukon's first pipeline. The Canol line had been built in 1942, and included a line from Whitehorse to Skagway.

The eight-inch pipe-line, built in 1954 from Haines to Fairbanks, was a symbol, not of WWII, but of…

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If there ever was a cowboy town in the Yukon, Champagne was it. After all, the community had horses, fences, log buildings like the American west had in the movies - and most importantly - a rodeo.

In the 1950s,…

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I didn't really know the elderly gentleman who spent his days in the back room of the little Yukon Electrical clapboard office on Main Street, except that my school chum, Willard, enjoyed stopping there to say hello. To me, he…

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SS Keno

Today, the SS Keno sits high and dry near Front Street overlooking the Yukon river in Dawson.

She was built in Whitehorse in 1922, this little jewel in the crown of Yukon riverboats. The SS Keno was built to…

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At the beginning of World War Two, the importance of Whitehorse as a transportation hub grew when a fully operational airport was built as part of the Northwest Staging Route. The Canadian and American military made their headquarters in Whitehorse,…

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Alaska Statehood - 50 years ago

On January 3rd, 1959, Alaska officially became the 49th state in the Union. Like the continuing quest for Yukon autonomy, the road to Alaskan statehood had been long and winding. The United States bought Alaska from the Russians in 1867…

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