
Yukon Nuggets

Results 8


The Grandest Home in the Yukon

Now an historic attraction, the Commissioner’s Residence in Dawson City is the Yukon’s equivalent of the White House, or twenty-four (24) Sussex Drive in Ottawa. It was originally built to house the most senior government official in the territory, the…

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Ted Colyer

Ever wonder what it is about the Yukon that inspires people to become artists?

We know Ted Harrison's inspiration comes from colours and shapes of the natural environment.

Jim Robb's gift comes from the character of the people and the…

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William David MacBride, 1888 - 1973

It takes pride of place and great determination to preserve the past.  One Yukoner had all these qualities and, as a result, the Yukon’s colourful history is well preserved.

W.D. (Bill) MacBride was born in Montana in 1888.  Orphaned as…

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Dick North

Dick North has always quietly gone about his business of research and writing. And now, quietly, he has joined elite company, including Wayne Gretzky’s dad and a former Supreme Court judge, as the newest members of the Order of Canada.

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George Black

I could find no record of his prowess as a hunter in the Yukon, but George Black was no slouch when it came to shooting rabbits on Parliament Hill.

George Black was born in 1873, in Woodstock, New Brunswick, where…

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Hank Karr

When I first met Hank Karr back in 1965, he was the hottest property to hit the Yukon since sourdough pancakes and fresh oranges. He was a ball of musical energy. This Saskatchewan-born son of the soil could deliver any…

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James Smith

When Gordon Cameron resigned as the Yukon's very popular commissioner in May 1966, the hunt was on for a successor.

Unlike today, the office carried with it a lot of power back then. The elected Territorial Council had little clout…

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Morley River

There was always something magical about the Morley River lodge on the Alaska Highway. We always felt good when we reached the place after a long drive from Dawson Creek over the then-dusty, unpaved road.

It probably had a lot…

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