
Yukon Nuggets

Results 10


Erastus Brainerd

Seattle was not destined to be the major jumping-off place for miners heading to the Klondike gold fields. San Francisco, or even Vancouver, should have been, or could have been. Prior to 1897, San Francisco dominated maritime trade with Alaska…

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Joe Boyle, Businessman

He was an industrialist, and inventor, a promoter, a sports enthusiast, and a millionaire. He was truly the King of the Klondike.

Joe Boyle was born in Toronto on November 6th, 1867. When he came to the Klondike in 1897,…

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First Climb of Mount Logan

On June 23rd, 1925, four men stood on top of Mount Logan. They had become the first to climb Canada’s highest mountain. The story of the climb began three years earlier. In 1922, the Alpine Club of Canada decided Mt.…

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Bill Robinson

A small townsite on the Carcross road is named after a big man. Weighing in at over 300 pounds, Stikine Bill gave the community of Robinson its name.

William Robinson was a railroad man who was born in North Anson,…

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The Pantages Theatre

He joined the gold rush in 1898, along with tens of thousands of others would be Klondike millionaires. Though he staked no ground and found no gold, he became one of the wealthiest and most controversial characters of his time.

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William Dall

He was the Dean of Alaskan explorers. But his extraordinary life was - to him - ordinary. William Dall was born in 1845 and began his scientific career as a member of the Scientific Corps of the Alaskan Western Union…

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George Johnson’s Car

You have to wonder why someone would start a car dealership in a country where roads were - at best - thinly disguised wagon trails. Just as curious is why someone would buy one. Both events happened in the Yukon…

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John Conrad

In the early 1900s, John Conrad, an American financier, took a bold million dollar move and consolidated gold and silver claims on Montana Mountain, which overlooks Carcross and Windy Arm. With the value of silver rising, development of the…

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Charlie Taylor

Many years ago, on a journey down the Yukon River in the company of Cam Cameron and Charlie Taylor, I heard first-hand many of the stories lived by these two unforgettable Yukoners. Both are gone now, but their memories…

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From the OK Corral to the Nome Gold Rush

Among the gold-fevered stampeders who tried to cash in on the Gold Rush was a professional gunfighter named Wyatt Earp. Yep! The same man who was once the Sheriff of Dodge City. The same guy who carved his name in…

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