
Yukon Nuggets

Results 4


Dawson Tribute

By Dan Davidson
Klondike Sun
Friday August 15, 2003

George Mercer Dawson

There have been many plaques erected around Dawson City of the last 30 years, but it has taken until this June for there…

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Pierre Berton

In the tiny clapboard hospital in downtown Whitehorse, on July 12, 1920, a future Canadian icon came into the world. His mother, the now-famous Yukon school teacher, Laura Berton, delivered a healthy eight-pound boy and named him Pierre.

His childhood…

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Buzzsaw Jimmy

His real name was Jimmy Richards but I never knew anyone who called him anything but Buzzsaw Jimmy.

It’s a nickname he earned for the unsafe but effective contraption he used to cut cord wood.

By looking at Jimmy, you…

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Lloyd Ryder - 2

The Ryder family began their Yukon saga in 1900 when Roland Ryder left his home in Chilliwack, B.C. and headed for Dawson City, where he hoped to make his fortune since he had a wife and eleven children to support…

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